Operating InstructionsEDB2131UB00408822Fieldbus module type 2131PROFIBUS213124V DC+-PROFIBUS-DPShow/Hide Bookmarks
Technical data3-2BA2131EN3.3 Rated dataField ValuesCommunication medium RS485Voltage supply 24 VDC 10 %; max 60 mAInsulation voltage - bus systems:to
Technical data3-3 BA2131EN3.6 Communication timesThe communication times depend on:the data transfer timethe processing time in the controller3.6.1 D
Technical data3-4BA2131ENIn the following table you will find a list of the processing times:Processing step Max.processing time in msPE-inhibit = 0
Installation4-1 BA2131EN4 Installation4.1 Connections of the fieldbus module 21314.1.1 Overview213121318200 vector213182XX93XXFig. 4-1 Controllers wi
Installation4-2BA2131ENPos. Name/Meaning21311325478624 V D C+ -1 Green bus LED the voltage supply of the fieldbus module 2131ON:ON: 2131 fieldbus mo
Installation4-3 BA2131EN4.2 Mechanical installationIf a keypad is attached to the front of the controller, remove it.Plug the 2131 fieldbus module in
Installation4-4BA2131EN4.3.2 Wiring to a hostWarning!An additional potential isolation must be installed ifa 820X, 821X or 8200 vector controller wil
Installation4-5 BA2131ENWiring features:Features:Communication medium RS485Network topology without repeater: linewithrepeater: line or treePossible
Installation4-6BA2131ENBus cableConnection of the bus cable in the bus connector (Siemens)3Enter approx. 16 mmEnter approx. 5 mmEnter approx. 11 mm45
Installation4-7 BA2131ENShow/Hide Bookmarks
These Operating Instructions are valid for fieldbus modules with the following nameplate data:2131 IB. 0x. 0x. PROFIBUSTogether with the unit series a
Commissioning5-1 BA2131EN5 CommissioningStop!Before switching on the mains voltage check the wiring for completeness, short circuit andearth fault.Ke
Commissioning5-2BA2131EN3. Fill in the boxes of the following menu as indicated:Menu: ConfigureStation type: Lenze 2131 VxxConfiguration: User data w
Commissioning5-3 BA2131EN–Subindex:0– Value: 30000dec(results from 3x104; see chapter 6.1.1)2. Terminal 28 (controller enable) is always active and m
Commissioning5-4BA2131EN3. Wait for the status “ READY FOR SWITCH ON“.Value for DRIVECOM status word = xxxx xxxx x01x 0001bin.4. Change to the status
Parameter setting6-1 BA2131EN6 Parameter settingThe parameter setting of the 2131 module is subdivided into:Controller parameters, which can also be
Parameter setting6-2BA2131ENLenze data typesThe possible Lenze parameters and their value ranges can be obtained from the correspondingOperating Inst
Parameter setting6-3 BA2131EN6.1.3 Operating mode C000182XX / 8200 vector controllersCode C0001 (Operating mode) determines the source (terminal, key
Parameter setting6-4BA2131ENThefollowingtableshowstheassignmentoftheaddresses:PROFIBUS-DP station address Mapping to code C0009 LECOM unit address1-2
Parameter setting6-5 BA2131EN3 words process data; label 72hex(114)PIW/POW 1 PIW/POW 2 PIW/POW 3Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4 Byte 5 Byte 6DP parameter
Parameter setting6-6BA2131ENByte 2: SubindexThe series 82XX do not have codes with subindex, the value is always 0.With the series 93XX it is necessa
Contentsi BA2131EN1 Preface and general information 1-1...1.1 How to use these Operating Instructions 1-1...
Parameter setting6-7 BA2131ENFault messages in the error field (Data/Error)Error class ErrorcodeAdditionalcode [hex]Meaning0 0 00 No fault6 3 00 No a
Parameter setting6-8BA2131EN6.3.3 Example 1: Write parameterTaskThe acceleration time C0012 of the controller is to be changed to 20 s.Job (byte 1/se
Parameter setting6-9 BA2131EN6.3.4 Example 2: Write parameterTaskThe heatsink temperature (value = 43 C) C0061 is to be read by the controller.Job (
Parameter setting6-10BA2131EN6.4.1 Process-data assignments for 82XXStructure of the PO-data response (data to drive)Byte 1 Byte 2 Byte 3 Byte 4DRIVE
Parameter setting6-11 BA2131EN6.4.3 Process-data assignment for 93XXUnlike the 82XX controller, the process-data assignment of the 93XX controller ca
Parameter setting6-12BA2131EN2111IBU003X116 Bit16 BitA IF -IN .W 2A IF -IN .W 316 binarysignals16 BitLow W ord16 BitH igh W ord16 binarysignals16 Bi
Parameter setting6-13 BA2131EN2111IBU002AIF-O U T Status wordBit 0Bit 15Bit 0Bit 31B y te 7 ,8B y te 5 ,6B y te 3 ,4102C 0853102C 0852AIF-O U T.D1
Parameter setting6-14BA2131ENStatus word xxxx xxxx x0xx 0000NOT READY TO SWITCH ONQSP**Ctrl. enable** Ctrl. inhibit**automaticallywheninitializing is
Parameter setting6-15 BA2131ENInhibit voltagexxxx xxxx xxxx xx0xautomatically whenfault reaction is overStandstillxxxx xxxxxxxx x110Standstillxxxx xx
Parameter setting6-16BA2131ENCommand MeaningCOMMAND2, 6, 8 (standstill)Control word: bit 0 = 0Command to change from different states to the status “
ContentsiiBA2131EN6 Parameter setting 6-1...6.1 Parameters 6-1...
Parameter setting6-17 BA2131ENThe actual unit status can only be clarified by combining the unit-status information bits (bit 0 to 6).This is shown i
Parameter setting6-18BA2131ENStructure of the parameter “control word“Bit Name Meaning0 Switch on Controller status0 = command 2, 6, 8 (controller in
Parameter setting6-19 BA2131ENThe following table shows the assignment of the DRIVECOM control word 93XX depending on theselected signal configuratio
Parameter setting6-20BA2131EN6.5.4 Status wordNote!The current controller status can only be clarified by combining the bits with the status informat
Parameter setting6-21 BA2131ENThe following table shows the assignment of the DRIVECOM status word 93XX depending on theselected signal configuration
Parameter setting6-22BA2131EN6.6 Lenze-specific parameters6.6.1 Only 82XX: Lenze parameter Operating Mode (L-C0001)Parametername(Index)Sub-IndexDatas
Troubleshooting and fault elimination7-1 BA2131EN7 Troubleshooting and fault eliminationIn the following you will find information about troubleshoot
Troubleshooting and fault elimination7-2BA2131EN7.1 Controller is inhibitedThe controller cannot be enabled via PROFIBUS process data, i.e. the statu
Troubleshooting and fault elimination7-3 BA2131ENPOW1 = 007Ehexselection1PIW1 =xxxx xxxx x011 0001bin(ready for switch on)?PIW1 =xxxx xxxx x011 0111b
Troubleshooting and fault elimination7-4BA2131EN7.2 Check PROFIBUSShort testingof thePROFIBUSsystem intheevent of faulty initialization. The diagnost
Preface and general information1-1 BA2131EN1 Preface and general information1.1 How to use these Operating InstructionsThese Operating Instructions a
Troubleshooting and fault elimination7-5 BA2131EN7.3 Activate the fieldbus moduleActivate the fieldbus module in connection with a controller.Is the
Troubleshooting and fault elimination7-6BA2131EN7.4 Fault reset (TRIP)Fault reset via PROFIBUS process data.PIW1 =xxxx xxxx x100 0000bin(switch-on in
Appendix8-1 BA2131EN8 Appendix8.1 AccessoriesIn the following, you will find the accessory components for PROFIBUS-DP:Note!Please ask the manufacture
Appendix8-2BA2131EN8.2 List of abbreviationsAbbreviation MeaningAIF Automation Interface; interface between controller and automation or fieldbus mod
Appendix8-3 BA2131EN8.3 GlossaryTechnical term MeaningAcknowledgement Acknowledgement of a setting or change (e. g. of parameters))Application as dir
Appendix8-4BA2131EN8.4 Table of keywordsAAccessories, 8-1AddressBus, 6-3Station, 6-3Addressing of Lenze codes, 6-1AIF-IN, Function block, 6-12AIF-OUT
Appendix8-5 BA2131ENLLabelling, Controller, 1-2Legal regulations, 1-2Length of the user data, 6-4Lenze code addressing, 6-1Lenze codes, 6-1Lenzedatat
Appendix8-6BA2131ENTTechnical data, 3-1Communication times, 3-3Dimensions, 3-2Features of the fieldbus module, 3-1General data/application conditions
Appendix8-7 BA2131ENShow/Hide Bookmarks
Appendix8-8BA2131ENShow/Hide Bookmarks
Preface and general information1-2BA2131EN1.2.1 Legal regulationsLabellingNameplate CE mark ManufacturergLenze 2131 fieldbus modules areunambiguously
Appendix8-9 BA2131ENShow/Hide Bookmarks
Safety information2-1 BA2131EN2 Safety information2.1 Persons responsible for safetyOperatorAn operator is any natural or legal person who uses the d
Safety information2-2BA2131EN2.3 Layout of the safety informationAll safety information has a uniform layout:– The icon characterizes the type of dan
Technical data3-1 BA2131EN3 Technical data3.1 Features of the 2131 fieldbus moduleThe 2131 fieldbus module has the following features:Attachable addi
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