Operating InstructionsEDB2102EN!POnFieldbus module type 2102RS232, RS485, optical fibreÄ!POnäLECOM A/BShow/Hide Bookmarks
Technical data3-2L_^ONMObk3.3 Rated data2102IB.V0012102IB.V002 2102IB.V003Communication media RS232 (LECOM-A)RS485 (LECOM-B)RS485 (LECOM-B) Optical fi
Technical data3-3L _^ONMObk3.5 Communication timesThe time required for communication can be displayed as a sequence of processing steps (withcorrespo
Technical d ata3-4L_^ONMObkProcessing time in the controller (t3)The processing time in the controller depends on the controller type and the code num
Installation4-1L _^ONMObk4 Installation4.1 Connections of the 2102 fieldbus module4.1.1 OverviewUOuuVPuuUOMM îÉÅíçêFig. 4-1 82XX, 8200 vector and 93XX
Installation4-2L_^ONMObkPos. Name/Meaning Note1 Green bus LED (voltage supply)ON: Fieldbus module has connected with the controller.BLINKING: 2102 fie
Installation4-3L _^ONMObk4.2 Mechanical installation• Remove the keypad from the front of the controller if it is attached.• Attach the 2101 fieldbus
Installation4-4L_^ONMObkNote!Internal voltage supply of the fieldbus module connected to a 8200 vectorControllers with an extended AIF interface (fron
Installation4-5L _^ONMObk4.4.1 Wiring via RS232 (LECOM-A)The following figure schematically shows the connection to a host (here: PC)via RS232 (LECOM-
Installation4-6L_^ONMObk4.4.2 Wiring via RS485 (LECOM-B)The following figure schematically shows the connection to a host (PC or PLC) via RS485(LECOM
Installation4-7L _^ONMObkPC/PLCT/R/(A)T/R/(B)PE71 72 88892102Controller12102Controller271 72 88Fig. 4-5 Connection to the host (PC/PLC)Connection betw
qÜÉëÉ léÉê~íáåÖ fåëíêìÅíáçåë ~êÉ î~äáÇ Ñçê ÑáÉäÇÄìë ãçÇìäÉë ïáíÜ íÜÉ ÑçääçïáåÖ å~ãÉéä~íÉëW2102 IB. 2x. 3x. V001 (RS232, RS485)2102 IB. 2x. 3x. V002 (R
Installation4-8L_^ONMObk4.4.3 Wiring via optical fibres (LECOM-LI)The following figure schematically shows the connection to a host (PC or PLC) via op
Installation4-9L _^ONMObkFor wiring, optical-fibre cables must be prepared:Optical-fibre cablepreparationThe preparation of the optical-fibre cables d
Installation4-10L_^ONMObkShow/Hide Bookmarks
Commissioning5-1L BA2102EN5 CommissioningStop!Before switching on the mains voltage check the wiring for completeness, short circuit and earthfault.Wh
Commissioning5-2LBA2102ENNext steps for 93XX1. Now you can communicate with each drive, i.e. you can read all codes and change allwriteable codes.2. S
Parameter setting6-1L BA2102EN6 Parameter settingThe parameter setting for the 2102 fieldbus module comprises:• Controller parameters which can also b
Parameter setting6-2LBA2102EN6.2 Meaning of individual parameters6.2.1 Operating mode82XX / 8200 vector controllersCode C0001 (operating mode) determi
Parameter setting6-3L BA2102EN6.2.2 LECOM unit address (C0009)The LECOM-A/B protocol uses the LECOM unit address to address the controller. The LECOM
Parameter setting6-4LBA2102EN6.3 Special features when using the 82XX controllerTip!Reading and writing of the parameter C192x of 82XX controllers tak
Parameter setting6-5L BA2102EN6.4 Special features when using the 820X controllers• Parameter setting (codes except C0046, C0135) is only possible whi
ContentsiL BA2102EN1 Preface and general information 1-1...1.1 About these Operating Instructions 1-1...
Parameter setting6-6LBA2102EN6.5 Special notes for 821X, 822X, 824X controllersRelative setpoint selection C0127 (process and parameter channel)• Abso
Troubleshooting and fault elimination7-1L _^ONMObk7 Troubleshooting and fault eliminationLED yellow (TxD)LED green (Vcc)LED yellow (RxD)Operating-stat
Troubleshooting and fault elimination7-2L_^ONMObkShow/Hide Bookmarks
Appendix8-1L _^ONMObk8 Appendix8.1 Accessories8.1.1 Accessories for a hostIn the following you will find the accessory components for hosts (PC or PLC
Appendix8-2L_^ONMObk8.1.3 Accessories for RS485 (LECOM-B)In the following you will find the accessory components for RS485 (LECOM-B):Name Order no. Ex
Appendix8-3L _^ONMObk8.2 Code tableHow to read the code table:Code Code number of the parameter Leading zeros are not required.Codes marked with*are o
Appendix8-4L_^ONMObkCode NoteNameC0068*Operating status for:Bit 82XX 8200 vector 93XXC0068Operatingstatusfor:• 82XX• 8200 vector• 93XX0-3 Operating fa
Appendix8-5L _^ONMObkCode NoteNameC0135*Controller control wordBit 820X 821X, 8200 vector, 822XC0135Controllercontrolword(parameter channel) for:• 820
Appendix8-6L_^ONMObkCode NoteNameC0135*Controller control word(parameter channel) for:Bit General structure 1xx1Speed control4xx1Torque control(parame
Appendix8-7L _^ONMObkCode NoteNameC0135*Controller control word(parameter channel) for:Bit 5xx1Digital frequency master6xx1LF slave bus7xx1LF slave ca
ContentsiiLBA2102EN5 Commissioning 5-1...6 Parameter setting 6-1...
Appendix8-8L_^ONMObkCode NoteNameC0150*Controller status word(parameter channel) for:Bit 820X 821X, 822X 8200 vectorFree configuration via C0417 (see(
Appendix8-9L _^ONMObkCode NoteNameC0150*Controller status word(parameter channel) for:Bit General structure 1xx1Speed control4xx1Torque control(parame
Appendix8-10L_^ONMObkCode NoteNameC0150*Controller status word(parameter channel) for:Bit 5xx1Digital frequency master6xx1LF slave bus7xx1LF slave cas
Appendix8-11L _^ONMObkCode NameKeypad PC1)Error CauseRemedyC0161*C*Fault---0 No error - -C0162*C0163*memoryccr71 System errorStrong interference on co
Appendix8-12L_^ONMObkCode RemedyCauseErrorPC1)KeypadNameOH50 Heat sink temperatureexceeds the valueentered for the controllerAmbient temperature Tamb&
Appendix8-13L _^ONMObkCode Name NoteC0067C0161C0168*[1...8]Fault memor y(P93XX)Fault abbreviations LECOM fault numbersTRIP Warning Message--- 0OC1 11O
Appendix8-14L_^ONMObkCode NoteNameC0249*LECOM code bank(P2102)Code bank Code number0 0 to 255 (Factory setting)1 250 to 5052 500 to 7553 750 to 10054
Appendix8-15L _^ONMObkThe following list shows the fault numbers which can be read under C1962:Fault no. Meaning Classification0 No fault1 Invalid ser
Appendix8-16L_^ONMObk8.3 LECOM-A/ B protocolThe LECOM-A/B protocol is used to exchange data between Lenze controllers and a host. TheLECOM-A/B protoco
Appendix8-17L _^ONMObkThe code number C1002 is converted into the ASCII string ”E<”, if they are transmitted to thecontroller by a host.Addressing
Preface and general information1-1L _^ONMObk1 Preface and general information1.1 About these Operating Instructions• These Operating Instructions are
Appendix8-18L_^ONMObkExtended addressingAnother possibility is the direct addressing of parameters by means of expanded addressing.! CH1 CH2 CH3 CH4 S
Appendix8-19L _^ONMObkThe abbreviations have the following meanings:VK1 to VK6 Integers. Decimal point (if required)NK1 to NK4 Decimal codes (if requi
Appendix8-20L_^ONMObkController address (AD1, AD2)One or more bus devices (slaves) can be selected by means of the controller address which is 2bytes
Appendix8-21L _^ONMObk8.3.2 RECEIVEThe command RECEIVE is to request parameter values of the Lenze controllers. The code numbersof the requested param
Appendix8-22L_^ONMObkExamples for a RECEIVE telegramExample 1The current speed setpoint (code number C46)is to be read with the bus address 01 at the
Appendix8-23L _^ONMObk8.3.3 SENDThe command SEND is to transmit data from the master to the slave. The master then sends atelegram with the following
Appendix8-24L_^ONMObk8.3.4 BROADCAST / MULTICASTIn a bus network, the command BROADCAST is to address all devices or a group of devices(multicast) at
Appendix8-25L _^ONMObk8.4 List of abbreviationsAbbreviation MeaningACK Response for positive acknowledgement of the controllerASCII American Standard
Appendix8-26L_^ONMObk8.5 GlossaryTechnical term MeaningBaud rate Transmission speed of data in bit/sBroadcast Message to all controllersCode For input
Contents8-27L BA2102EN8.6 IndexAAccessories, 8-1for a host, 8-1for optical fibres (LECOM-LI), 8-2for RS232 (LECOM-A), 8-1for RS485 (LECOM-B), 8-2Ackno
Preface and general information1-2L_^ONMObk1.2.1 Legal regulationsLabellingNameplate CE identification ManufacturerLabellingLenze 2102 f i el dbus mod
Contents8-28LBA2102ENGGlossary, 8-26Group addressing, 5-1Group formation, of controllers, 6-3IIndex, 8-27Initial switch-on. See InstallationInput sele
Contents8-29L BA2102ENPPacking list, 1-1Parameter sets, 6-1Parameter setting, 6-1Special features, 820X, 6-5Parameter value, 8-18in the ASCII decimal
Contents8-30LBA2102ENShow/Hide Bookmarks
Safety information2-1L _^ONMObk2 Safety information2.1 Persons responsible for safetyOperator• An operator is any natural or legal person who uses the
Safety information2-2L_^ONMObk2.3 Layout of the safety information• All safety information have a uniform layout:– The icon characterizes the type of
Technical data3-1L _^ONMObk3 Technical data3.1 Features of the 2102 fieldbus moduleThe 2102 fieldbus module has the following features:• Different com
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